Layzner 32


Lola, L-O-L-A, Lola

Here’s another episode of Layzner for your viewing pleasure, starring everyone’s favourite cyborg rapist.


And I want a coke…and have the song Lola stuck in my head.


12 Responses to “Layzner 32”

  1. gunlord500 Says:


  2. Nanto Says:

    Given that “caca” is a French word for poop, that sign does not make me thirsty. However I do now have Lola stuck in my head as well.

    And thanks for the new episode!

    • starseeker Says:

      I’m not sure if it’s Engrish or trademark avoidance.

    • Luurah Says:

      Caca is also the Spanish word for “poop”, too. Still, I think it could be trademark avoidance. I mean… isn’t it considered “free advertising”?

      Anyway, thanks for releasing Ep32 of Lazyner! Only seven more to go… woot!

  3. Kyle Says:

    Could be wrong but looks like just 6 more episodes to me! Getting so close now. I’ll keep waiting patiently, I haven’t started watching yet but I’m a big fan of the director. Keep up the good work. 🙂

  4. Jojo Says:

    Thank you, best vintage show around !!

  5. amazing Says:

    Cheers again, so close now!

    What are you feelings about doing the first 8 episodes, is there any drive to do so? Would be very nice.

    And thanks metalotaku for adding the file to aniDB, was notified when it was added. Very useful.

    • starseeker Says:

      I’d like to, though fixing up the existing scripts isn’t easy since they’re a mess. Depends on my free time really.

  6. Pyoro Says:

    And in a dark brown voice she said LAYZNER!

    La-La-La La-Layzner!

  7. anon Says:

    Does anyone know what the other episode names are? Some of them have just been left blank.

  8. DensetsuKyojinIdeon Says:

    Really thanks! Only 7 more T_T

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