Layzner 28


Layzner sparkles

Here’s a little slightly early Christmas present for you all, a new episode of Hokuto no Layzner…I mean SPT Layzner.
I suppose you could say this was Christmassy in that it involves a maiden given a mission by God, but with no awkward explanations to the fiancé.
Anyways, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays etc.


Also we now have a twitter because it seemed like a good idea at the time.


20 Responses to “Layzner 28”

  1. lolman Says:

    THANK YOU!!!! It’s a great Christmas gift!!

    Merry x-mas Starseeker 🙂

  2. kudosforce Says:

    One of the best kinds of Christmas gifts.

    Thanks and merry Christmas to you, Starseeker! 😀

  3. Jacopo Says:

    Oh my god, thank you so much 😀
    Are we gonna finish it before 2014? 😀

  4. Willpower Says:

    HO_oo…. Thanks a lot! And have a nice time 😛

  5. Travis Says:

    Nice, thank you.

  6. Ikari Says:

    Can anyone help seeding eps 19-21? I’m stuck at 10% for 2 months

  7. Chris Says:

    NEED MOA…. …………….. (smile) 😉

  8. jo-1 Says:

    Wow thanks alot happy christmas, 2013 the year Layzner is completed>>>???

  9. ( ・ω・)σ ◯Kamo;Driver (@KamoDriver) Says:

    Thanks for all your releases! It is great to have you on Twitter, now I can find out as soon as you have a new release!

  10. djmasturbeat Says:

    hells yeah!
    thanks for Layzner!

  11. Anonymous Says:

    A thousand thanks, but the DDLs for Ep 26 and 27 are still down. Any chance of them being moved over to packupload? I will construct a small shrine to /m/sub’s honor if you do this. Right next to the one I’m building for this episode.

    …I have a lot of time on my hands, OK?

  12. KingKenshiro Says:

    sup /m/subs, is there anything I can do for you to help speed this project up? Let me know.

  13. Anonymous Says:

    Just found this! Thank you so much!

  14. Anonymous Says:

    What’s the status on the next episode?

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