Archive for the ‘Daitarn 3’ Category

Daitarn 3, episode 40, borrowing the power of the sun one last time

October 8, 2010

Here it is, D-Day, the day you’ve been waiting for, the day where we finish releasing the old school giant super robot goodness that is Daitarn 3. Big thanks to the team that managed this all: SCIENCE, who translated the whole show based off the Italian, and made this whole show possible, Zefnex for being the first timer on the project, Sardien, who took over timing and editing after Zefnex disappeared for reasons unknown. My role in this was simply to check the translation against the Japanese after Science approached us for assistance due Zefnex’s aforementioned disapperance.

Here’s the link to the last episode, where we learn of Koros’ true intentions and Don Zauther awakens into a truly formidable foe:
Sendspace link (Megaupload was being bitchy)
Fixed Megaupload link

Also we have for you a full torrent with all 40 episodes. Please seed if you can, it would be much appreciated.

Edit: The first torrent had one of the episodes wrong, the current version is a fixed one.

Daitarn 3 episode 39, now with rabbits

October 4, 2010

Here we are, the penultimate episode of Daitarn 3. We get a little bit of space travel, a little bit of weird science, a little bit of sidekick backstory and a shiny new finisher. Next episode everything comes to its explosive conclusion. Enjoy


Daitarn 3 episode 38, seeking the Blue Bird of Happiness

September 30, 2010

This time we have a rather odd episode of Daitarn 3 where both sides attempt to capture a mystical being known as the Blue Bird of Happiness which has the power of a sun. No I don’t know how that works, this entire episode ran on even more SCIENCE! than usual. The animation style also seemed a bit different that usual, more budget or a different director? Who knows, this entire episode seemed irrelevent to the plot. Enjoy.


Daitarn 3, episode 37, most definitely not second rate

September 22, 2010

This episode we meet an old friend of Banjo who was always second best compared to him and well, you can probably guess what he tries to do. Just 3 more episodes to go after this, so enjoy.


Daitarn 3, episode 36 in the darkness of the past

September 12, 2010

In this really quite damn freaky episode we get to see a little bit of Banjo’s past, and just who created the Megaborgs. It also has a rather badass speech which was also surprisingly difficult to translate due to general vagueness so it took about 3 times longer than normal to do. But I think this episode was worth it. Only 4 more episodes to go now.


Daitarn 3 episode 35, now with added ninja

September 10, 2010

This episode we get an interesting mix of ninja action crosses with Romeo and Juliet. Also here’s some useful translation notes for stuff referenced in this episode(and wiki links for more info):

Goemon Ishikawa XIII: A samurai character from Lupin III,
Jiraiya: A ninja from a Japanese folktale who could turn himself into a toad. His enemy Orochimaru used snake magic.
Orochi: Also known as Yamata no Orochi, or the Eight-Forked serpent, is an 8-headed, 8-tailed serpent from Japanese mythology who was slain by the storm god Susanoo.

New MU link

Daitarn 3, episode 34, why reusing footage is cool

August 27, 2010

This episode was an interesting one involving a spare DaiFighter and a spaceship. And reused footage from at least 3 different episodes to pad out the fight scenes (obviously saving the budget for something special, or someone in accounting sucks at their job). They did a good job though. Enjoy


Daitarn 3, episode 33, rumble in the jungle

August 13, 2010

This episode we get a mix of Indiana Jones-esque ancient temples and Tarzan references. I would say Indiana Jones references, but this was made several years before the Indiana Jones films, so it’s more referencing the same source material.
Anyways, enjoy.


Daitarn 3, episode 32, because there’s no shame in liking toy robots

August 2, 2010

Even by Daitarn standards this is a weird/funny ep with lots of references to other shows. This is also our translator’s favourite episode. The meganoid squad in this episode are awesome.

Download here

Previous episodes can be found at our mates /m/anly fansubs in the sidebar.

Daitarn 3, episode 31 is the fairest of them all

July 14, 2010

This episode we get proof that even Meganoids can be very, very vain, just as vain as humans in fact. And Banjo gets another bond girl.

Download here

There may be no episodes until August due to the timer/editor having real life commitments.